The Wolf Won't Sleep

The Wolf Won't Sleep


The Wolf Won't Sleep
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Last Update 4 years, 3 months

The Wolf Won't Sleep is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

On a fervent quest to become stronger ---- the heroic tales of the adventurer Lecan start!

The One-Eyed Wolf Lecan, jumped into a black hole he found in the confines of a labyrinth, falling into another world. No matter the world he is in, the adventurer Lecan doesn't lose his way. Seeking strength, challenging labyrinths, and defeating formidable foes ---- This is the stout fantasy written by Shien BIS (Henkyou no Roukishi), combined with the passionate art of Shinkawa Gonbe (Yokohama-eki SF).

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