Only I can infinitely revive the S-class disaster tower

Only I can infinitely revive the S-class disaster tower


Only I can infinitely revive the S-class disaster tower
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Last Update 3 days, 21 hours

Only I can infinitely revive the S-class disaster tower is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Action series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

I’m the only one who won’t die in Death Quest! ーー A tower that suddenly appeared more than ten years ago. It was a tower where “magic stones” that brought immense wealth could be obtained. Unemployed father … A mother addicted to religion … In pursuit of his brother, who went to the tower to change such a poor family environment, the main character, Tokiji, also heads to the tower. Blocked by the front entrance, Tokiji enters the tower from the back side and encounters a hidden and difficult “Death Quest”! Then, while everyone around you is dying, you get a “special magic stone”…! It’s just me… I won’t die…!?” With the power of the magic stone that only he can “not die”, Tokiji will take on various quests prepared by the tower!

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