Legendary hearts Transplant Reincarnation

Legendary hearts Transplant Reincarnation


Legendary hearts Transplant Reincarnation
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Legendary hearts Transplant Reincarnation is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in english language, Mangatoon series, english chapters have been translated and you can read them here. You are reading chapters on www.mgeko.nl fastest updating comic site. The Summary is

A frail high school student receives the heart of a "legendary mercenary"?! The ultimate guerrilla warrior vs. the most fearsome delinquent high school... A school revenge action story begins!High school student Shirube Boshiran returns to Japan after three years following a heart transplant overseas. Shortly after transferring to his local school, Haze High, he becomes the target of bullying. One day, when Ran is cornered by delinquents, a change occurs in his body...!Memories and combat skills engraved in the heart awake within Ran. The counterattack of a high school boy awakened to immense power begins!

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